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It was nice reading your post. I needed to know such kind of information to update myself.


Happy to view your blog, I've always found this kind of article. Worth reading, thank

i like this part of the blog:"We're loving the coverage of Paris Men's Fashion Week on Tommy Ton's site Jak & Jil. He has great taste, picking out only the chicest of fashion show attendees and participants. He managed to shoot Glamour & Glitter friend Rad Hourani yesterday. Maybe one day Lily Bear will make the fashion cut." is very good

he has a great review on his site,and yeah he is showing there what's special and interesting

He has great taste, picking out only the chicest of fashion show attendees and participants. He managed to shoot Glamour & Glitter friend Rad Hourani yesterday.

Hey this jacket reminds me a gay cop dressed drag queen from the seventies, simply awful. If this is the French taste of fashion their industry.

This fashion week is a great opportunity to see new tendencies and original designs, a worthy event for every one.

Waiting for opportunity takes time but it's worth waiting.

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